After mortal death, most people’s souls will break into samsara, but there are also some people with strong soul power who have certain abilities after absorbing aura, which is the initial embryonic form of ghost repair.

After death, the proportion of soul becoming a ghost practitioner is directly related to the richness and purity of the external aura, just as the proportion of mortals and beasts becoming practitioners of truth. In terms of the number of sects, the Sixth GREAT GHOST Gate is less than the Ten Xuanmen and the Eight

Windson they followed those guys around the seven corners and soon came to a large bungalow. The front door of the bungalow was very big and high, which looked like a warehouse.

Those guys quickly got into the door and windson noticed that there were many people around who came here. "What’s in it?" Zhao Rulong asked curiously that he had arrived three days earlier than Lin Feng, and he didn’t know what had happened in the room. "Just go and know." Kate smiled mysteriously and led

At the same time, after you leave your doppelganger here to reward you, you will come here once every ten planet years to trade with me and ask you to bring equivalent or technology.

In addition, although your busy stay here is controlled, it does not affect your subject. If the subject dies unexpectedly outside, I can still help you to be busy here and help you resurrect. Of course, you have to pay a corresponding price for resurrection. Equivalent exchange has always been my root and principle foundation.