Ten feet … Five feet … Ten feet … Hundred feet … Thousand feet!

Phoenix Tianhe stands on the ground like a giant, ten times bigger than a mountain, and even if you look up, you can’t see his whole body.
"Giant art! Isn’t this the secret of heaven and earth gate? Actually gave this phoenix Tianhe! It is said that this technique is modeled after the giant of the sky, which can make people’s mana surge in a short time, and the body can reach thousands of feet, and the attack is too thin and the root method will kill them! " A monk couldn’t help but say excitedly when he saw this scene
Wang Gan was also startled by this scene. It really deserves to be the door of heaven and earth. It seems that this phoenix Tianhe has turned into an angel of heaven, looking down on all beings like ants.
This kind of spell can only be put into practice by a real person’s body. Friar Lian is afraid that as soon as it is put into practice, it will explode and die immediately.
Layers of fire waves emerged from Wang Gan’s body and burned the sky into a sea of fire. This pure Yang true fire power can be resisted even by ordinary Buddhist monks, but slapping Feng Tianhe can cause local damage and will soon be repaired. What effect does the original method have?
Feng Tianhe raised her feet and it was dark at once, like a mountain peak pressing on Wang Gan.
Feel the strong wind blowing against my face, Wang Gan flapped his wings and flew out of Wan Li in a flash.
"Huh!" At this moment, I suddenly heard that a binge drinking in high school actually triggered a slight weakness among all the monks in Skyquake, and actually fell to death from it.
"You are too weak, Wang Gan!" The rumbling sound from the sky seems to laugh at Wang Ganli.
"Feng Tianhe, you once said that if you see the sky and the earth, you will never die. Now you can’t see the sky and the sky above your head. This is your death!" Wang Gan’s face was calm as if he didn’t feel flustered about the bad situation in front of him.
"Haha, I want to see what you can kill me with!" Feng Tianhe laughed wildly.
"borrow heaven’s strength!" Said Wang Gan left hand took JIU ge right hand holding a lightning penalty pen, but despite the fear, he firmly wrote a line in vain …
[ w w w ]
Chapter ninety Write off Liu Fang’s end
"Who is the Tao in the early ancient times?"
A line of words is vividly written in Chinese by Wang Gan.
Then he felt that the fear of life once again came to him, and he unceremoniously took away half his life.
The mysterious spell that God asked me for a thousand years of life seemed to wake up the screaming wind around the sky, and a huge cloud came to the sky. A horrible gas column with a diameter of 100 feet in the sunken cloud cave completely enveloped the Phoenix Tianhe.
"This … what is this!" Feng Tianhe growled unbelievably, his body dissolved and crushed in this air column. Because his body was too big, he couldn’t even give a groan of pain and completely dissipated in heaven and earth.
"I respect heaven and earth to die me? I don’t … "He echoed in the heavens and the earth and gradually disappeared. The arrogance of the high-profile generation in the heavens and the earth has evaporated from people. The occult sciences of the heavens and the earth are as fragile as children’s gadgets.
Everything in Fengtianhe was destroyed, even the Dragon Ball was no exception, but fate was destroyed by heaven. Wang Gan took out the seal of fate and saw a dragon-shaped fate being attracted to fall from it
This fate is much bigger than anyone I have ever seen before, and even stronger than stealing a country’s fate. After the seal of the fate will be absorbed, it will be more vigorous. There are cracks on the surface of the instrument as if it were about to be broken.
Wang Gan has aged a lot since he practiced JIU ge, and he has to spend ten thousand blood beads again to come back to life.
But in this way, there are less than 10 thousand blood beads left, and at most, they can be put to use again. At the beginning of the foundation, the monk’s life span is two thousand years, and if they are put to use continuously, they will die.
"Oh my God! Only after ten years, this practice has grown to such a small level that it actually killed the monk in the middle of Tsukiji and was pregnant with Long Yunren. It’s so unlucky! "
"What exactly is this spell? How can it be so powerful? Is it the secret technique or the secret technique of Daoguo? "
"Arrogant too arrogant! He killed all three brothers in the heaven and earth gate. It’s a law day! I think the heaven and earth gate will definitely settle accounts with Luo Tianmen, and maybe people who have to hand over this brother under pressure will not have a good game. "
Everyone was stunned by this scene. The situation reversed too quickly, and everyone cast a giant spell. When no one could match Feng Tianhe, Wang Gan cast a spell that was beyond their imagination
I didn’t even think that a strong man like Feng Tianhe would die so simply without a trace as if he had evaporated with people.
In the eyes of all people, Phoenix Tianhe is suspected to be the most powerful repairer here, but now it has been killed by Wang Gan, so that Wang Gan’s strength becomes inscrutable. Although everyone has his own thoughts, no one dares to look at him and avoid his eyes, revealing fear.
"Wang Gan, you and I will forget our previous grievances and never meet again!" At this time, I saw that the ancient tomb school Jiang hated water and suddenly flew towards the crack, which seemed to be going to leave the sample.
Jiang hates water very well. Although she has the experience of the ninth reincarnation, she relies on the combination of nine bodies in the face of absolute strength. She is confident that she can draw with Feng Tianhe, but now Feng Tianhe is dead. Wang Gan’s hand has made her feel the crisis.